Experience personality digitally
Video Recruiting

Do you want to get a high-quality and personal impression of applicants in a time- and cost-saving way? With our video recruiting tool, you can conduct both time-shifted and live interviews in a matter of minutes. Video interviews save you 25% of your recruiting costs: in addition to eliminating travel expenses, you can act faster and reduce hiring time by up to 60%.

You can choose between two interview formats:

Automated interviews

Structured interview: 

Simply send us your questions in advance and we'll conduct the interview for you on-site, record it and send you the video via link so you can watch it with your team at any time in any location without appointment constraints.


Replacement of the initial phone interview or instead of the written application.

Determine questions, recording attempts & response time individually

Live interviews


Online conversation in real time between a candidate and one or more interviewers

Optimal use:

Follow-up interviews after an initial pre-selection of candidates has been made


Particularly suitable for replacing an initial face-to-face meeting when travel requirements are high

Our video recruiting tool offers you these advantages

  • Personal impression Icon

    Personal impression

    Meet the real person behind the resume. This way you gain valuable information about motivation, personality and competencies already in the first recruiting step.

  • Strengthen your brand Icon

    Strengthen your brand

    Provide a personal impression into the work environment right from the start. By personalizing with your logo and background images, you can create a real interview environment.

  • Save time and money Icon

    Save time and money

    Reduce hiring time and increase recruiter efficiency. Conduct interviews at any time and with any device - live or recorded.

  • Share with colleagues Icon

    Share with colleagues

    Share interviews with colleagues, evaluate and compare candidates together, and save the hassle of arranging additional follow-up interviews.

  • Ensure data privacy Icon

    Ensure data privacy

    Unlike most video tools, candidates in our program give explicit consent for data use and storage.


Faster hiring process Icon

Faster hiring process

For 75% of managers, their limited availability for interviews causes a delay in the hiring process
Better Candidate Experience Icon

Better Candidate Experience

76% of candidates choose the employer who first offered them an interview for the selection process
For the first impression Icon

For the first impression

87% of recruiters regretted an interview at the very beginning of the interview, even though they were enthusiastic about the resume

Confidence is the most important thing to bring to a job interview